Rod Rosenstein

The GOP seems to be ramping up its support of President Donald Trump as the Russia probe continues.
"We will not allow rogue anonymous sources with security clearances to sell out our country," the attorney general said Friday.
The president spoke about Russia, Comey, Sessions and more during the exclusive sit-down.
Or rather, he could. But it would likely be "a horrible disaster" that could lead to his downfall.
Rod Rosenstein says he won't listen to an unlawful order from the president, but it is theoretically possible to get rid of the special counsel.
“Who will guard the guards themselves?”
But the president still insists Rod Rosenstein wrote the recommendation all on his own.
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has appointed former FBI Director Robert Mueller to serve as special prosecutor overseeing the investigation into Russian influence in the 2016 presidential election.
The Trump administration has given several conflicting stories about who made the decision to fire FBI director James Comey.