Ron Wyden

Democratic lawmakers are demanding a criminal investigation, saying political appointees "orchestrated a coverup to protect" Secretary David Bernhardt.
Sen. Ron Wyden is demanding to know what constitutional authority the Department of Homeland Security has to snatch protesters off the streets.
More than 44 million Americans have filed for unemployment in a 12-week period because of COVID-19.
Interior Department's inspector general investigation was sparked by Democratic lawmakers' complaint that excessive force was used on a peaceful crowd.
The push to prevent warrantless government surveillance of Americans' search history under FISA hit a roadblock this week.
The move to block warrantless surveillance of Americans' web browsing and search data scrambled partisan lines, with 10 Democrats key to its defeat.
Senate Democrats have a plan to help states struggling to give basic assistance to the very poor.
Mnuchin has complied with GOP queries on Biden while blocking a Dem request for Trump's taxes.
Some of the Saudi citizens who have received help from the kingdom face rape, child pornography and manslaughter charges.
Republicans defended the secretive FISA court, even after a 2013 National Security Agency leak. FBI surveillance of a Trump campaign aide changed that.