Rush Limbaugh

The "Last Week Tonight" host blew up over Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and other influences on President Donald Trump.
The conservative radio host spewed a conspiracy theory about coronavirus experts being more concerned with damaging the president than aiding public health.
314 Action, which backs scientists for office, is airing the spots during Limbaugh’s broadcasts in 14 states.
The right-wing radio host pushed conspiracy nonsense about Democrats plotting with communists to ruin capitalism in the coronavirus pandemic.
Mark Steyn, a regular Fox News guest, claimed Donald Trump would be blamed for "a big gay apocalypse."
The right-wing radio host claims the illness is being used to advance an anti-Trump agenda.
It's promoting a scattered and conspiratorial response to a public health crisis.
Donald Trump Jr. and White House officials continue to push the theory that Democrats are using the coronavirus to bring down the president.
Rush Limbaugh claimed the coronavirus was only a way to get rid of President Donald Trump.
The conservative radio host declared communists and the media have "weaponized" the "common cold."