Russia Investigation

"Your personal feelings don't dictate who Alabama picks as their senator, the people of Alabama do," sniped Sessions after his ex-boss again endorsed a rival.
Under Attorney General William Barr, the Department of Justice dropped all charges against the former national security adviser last week.
A federal judge said that Stone's attorneys could not prove that there was political bias on the jury of his trial.
Attorney General William Barr had personally picked U.S. Attorney John Durham to scrutinize the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation.
The Democrat said he's become "discouraged" over the impeachment inquiry, the Russia investigation and his Republican colleagues' relentless support for Trump.
The GOP Senate Intelligence Committee chairman, Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.) refused to deny the debunked conspiracy theory that Ukraine meddled in the 2016 election.
The former FBI lawyer hit back at the president for his relentless attacks against her after he mocked her affair with now-fired FBI agent Peter Strzok.
President Donald Trump may have lied in his written testimony to special counsel Robert Mueller during the now-completed Russia investigation.
Attorneys for ex-Trump advisor Michael Flynn are hoping to delay his sentencing, claiming they need more time to review evidence.
The Justice Department reportedly declined to prosecute the former FBI director because there wasn't enough evidence showing he intended to break the law.