
Wentworth Miller is the latest celebrity to reveal he's gay. After being invited to attend the St. Petersburg International Film Festival in Russia, the "Prison Break" star decided it was time to go public with his sexual orientation.
An unrecognized breakaway Republic sandwiched between Moldova and Ukraine, it has been called the most lawless place in Europe and is rumored to be a thriving transit zone for arms and human trafficking.
Ghanaian economist George Ayittey attended the Oslo Freedom Forum in May. There, he sat down with me to talk about defeating dictators.
If you watched the Palin interview and weren't scared out of your mind, then you're mentally ill. What you are not is responsible, informed, thoughtful, mature, educated, empathetic, or remotely serious.
Never before in history will so much crop diversity be lost intentionally and avoidably as the day the bull-dozers roar into Pavlovsk Station.