Sarah Huckabee Sanders

"For me and my brothers who serve, we don’t feel respected," McCain said.
The former White House press secretary was reality checked after claiming reports Donald Trump insulted U.S war dead were "malicious lies."
"Kim Jong Un hit on you!" the president said, according to the former White House press secretary's new book.
Twitter users didn't buy the former White House press secretary's suggestion for Trump at next week’s Republican National Convention.
While On Fox News, Sarah Huckabee Sanders raised eyebrows saying President Donald Trump has compassion for those stricken by the coronavirus.
"She's obviously never met the man," actor Morgan Fairchild said of the former White House press secretary.
Kayleigh McEnany is just the latest White House press secretary to twist the truth for their boss.
The former White House press secretary said Michael Bloomberg’s record and language are “offensive and atrocious.” But Sanders’ point contradicted the problems of her own former boss, President Donald Trump.
The former White House press secretary told Fox News that Bloomberg's record and language are "offensive and atrocious."
The "Saturday Night Live” cast member pointed out that the left and right have one thing in common on the social media platform: They both fat-shame.