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Mexico is a perennial favorite for American travelers looking for a beach getaway. Yet not all beach destinations were created equal. Some feel like they were built yesterday merely as a place to disgorge jumbo jets.
Two words that lie subtly at the root of so much virtual drama. Time and time again, I find myself at the centre of an all-out Internet milk storm...with naysayers from every direction descending to convey their utter distaste at the very thought of nursing a child who has the ability use a sippy cup...
Whether you're looking for a surge of creativity or hoping to beat the blues, exercise could be a great solution. We've combed through the research and outlined some of the many ways exercise can improve your mental health.
Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom may be the "Happiest Place on Earth," but ask a family who staked out their perfect spot on Main Street U.S.A.
I encourage you to read each of the descriptions for the seven decision making styles. You will learn more about yourself, and you may begin to see your team members, coworkers, children, partners or spouse in a new light and appreciate the unique contributions they can each bring.
Many travelers skip past San Jose and head straight for the nation's lush interior or sandy beaches, but I found lots of visuals to enjoy in San Jose.
Unfortunately these classics have taken a backseat to some of the more popular cocktails of today while becoming a second thought to many bartenders.
I just happen to be attracted to a woman who can fearlessly walk out of the house without a drop of makeup, who looks spectacular with short hair, and who has a seductive silhouette in a masculine blazer. In no way does this alone make me sexually interested in men or mean that I should be.
For hundreds, in some cases, thousands of years, others have stood at the same spots and been touched by the same emotions. The connection to a country's cultural heritage holds a powerful attraction for many tourists and travelers.