Steve Scalise

The Louisiana Republican called red flag laws unconstitutional, even after he was told they could have prevented recent deaths in Buffalo.
The House's second-ranking Republican repeated without evidence the false claim that states did not follow the Constitution when certifying their votes.
The No. 2 House Republican held off on getting vaccinated for months, telling that the fast-spreading delta variant tipped the scale.
A stunt from House Republican Whip Steve Scalise, involving a milk carton with the vice president's face on it, didn't really work out.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) opened up about the challenges of working with a Republican party drifting away from reality.
It's a dangerous lie that the election was stolen from Trump, but the House minority whip refuses to acknowledge that.
Do Ted Cruz and Kevin McCarthy think people will just forget what they did?
The Republican admitted the video shouldn't have been edited but maintained that the real interview still proved that Joe Biden wants to defund police.
Rep. Steve Scalise tweeted a video that altered the words of the progressive activist, who has Lou Gehrig’s disease and speaks using voice assistive technology.
Not even a legal rebuke from a nonpartisan congressional investigator can shake GOP senators' faith in Trump.