Super Tuesday

Cunningham defeated progressive state Sen. Erica Smith and now aims to flip Republican Sen. Thom Tillis' seat in November.
The ex-DNC chair tore into the GOP leader for saying the Democratic primaries are "rigged" against Sen. Bernie Sanders.
There are 1,357 delegates at stake as voters from 14 states head to the polls.
The Democratic presidential hopeful also offered her thoughts on Judge Judy's criticism of her debate stage demeanor.
“Miss, are you gonna ask or are you gonna give a lecture?” he asked a reporter.
Pete Buttigieg, Beto O’Rourke and Sen. Amy Klobuchar all threw their support behind Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.
"Like when you chock on your covfefe?" one person fired back online.
Five states are holding primaries for the House, Senate and other races besides the presidential contest.
At least 22 people are dead and dozens of buildings destroyed following the early morning storm.
The establishment is going with Biden. Progressives are moving to Sanders.