Tim Kaine

Democratic Senators held a moment of silence in the U.S. Capitol’s Emancipation Hall to honor George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor.
President Donald Trump is almost certain to veto the measure, however.
President Donald Trump is expected to veto the measure, however.
The war powers resolution approved Thursday, however, is unlikely to tie President Donald Trump's hands.
Ironically, lawmakers are more hesitant to exercise their constitutional prerogatives when the threat of war is greatest.
After threatening a key defense bill, senators are slated to vote on an amendment to rein in the president’s ability to initiate military action.
"I don’t think they’re suddenly going to decide, ‘OK, we’re a minority party now, we’re just going to be a loyal opposition,'" Sen. Tim Kaine said.
Some advocates are worried that efforts to raise the legal smoking age to 21 are being used as a "Trojan horse" for large tobacco companies.
The senators pointed to a meteoric rise in vaping among teenagers.
Twitter users shred the president and GOP for swiping his former rival's motto.