U.S. House of Representatives

The Republican leader said the House would "work its own will" but didn't rule out allowing a vote on the legislation.
Not since 1876 has a Cabinet secretary faced impeachment charges and it's the first time a sitting secretary is being impeached.
The House's efforts are a “cynical political maneuver,” Biden's administration said.
The bill has broad bipartisan support, so it’s basically up to Speaker Mike Johnson whether it passes the House.
A change in color in the pins members use to identify themselves inspires snark — and something of a mystery.
With a partial government shutdown looming and his conference divided, an embattled Mike Johnson is picking a side — again.
Is divorce next for Kevin McCarthy’s replacement?
Shock, last goodbyes and anger were still fresh in their minds in interviews conducted shortly after the insurrection attempt.
Rep. Shri Thanedar’s rags-to-riches story and his willingness to poke fun at himself helped get him elected in Michigan. A year into his term, he faces accusations of a toxic work environment and the prospect of a tough 2024 primary.
The serial fabulist's remarks on his biography "astonished" a New York City-based reporter.