U.S. Politics

"Hey kids, enjoy the presents while you can, because next year you might get a bomb from Iran."
Just in time for Monday's Electoral College vote.
"I mean, you were nasty and mean and vicious and you wanted to win, right?”
A history of peddling debunked theories won't guarantee you a spot in Trumpland -- but it apparently doesn't hurt.
Ethics office confirms the GOP-backed STOCK Act applies to the president and vice president, too.
It's time to have a heart-to-heart with your father.
The shouts of defiance that shaped the Brexit victory may carry across the Atlantic, with implications for Donald Trump and the U.S.
Compare America during the era of campus unrest, Vietnam and Nixon to the America of today.
If U.S. voters reject their country’s unique founding ideals of diversity, inclusion and tolerance, then no democracy on earth is safe.