Vice President

During a panel at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, CNN political analyst Paul Begala predicted that President Donald Trump will name a new vice president by July.
Vice President Mike Pence is now in charge of the leading the U.S. response to the coronavirus even though, as governor, he had a dismal record when it came to public health,
President Donald Trump’s latest target concerning the impeachment inquiry is Mike Pence’s aide.
Former Vice President Joe Biden is running for president of the United States.
The former vice president's would-be rivals have already benefited from an early flood of small-dollar donations.
"I believe there should be a woman president right now," the New Jersey senator told Rachel Maddow.
Vice President Mike Pence says he’s “offended” by people criticizing his wife for teaching at the school.
Former Vice President Joe Biden teared up as he eulogized Sen. John McCain.
"Most of those memes are true," he said of his reported bromance with former President Barack Obama.