
The State Department cited concerns of a "possible anomalous health incident in Hanoi" that delayed the vice president's trip.
Nguyen Ngoc Manh was sitting in his truck waiting to deliver a package in Hanoi, Vietnam, when he heard the little girl crying above him.
Here's something you never want to find in your ears.
Robert O'Brien and his entourage were relegated to a single floor at their Hanoi hotel, food was left outside their rooms for them to retrieve.
"I worried I was compromising my autonomy by moving to Kenya, but I was right about what I’d gain."
The existence of the silver-backed chevrotain has been scientifically confirmed for the first time since 1907.
The two were visiting U.S. troops during the Vietnam War when the Yankee Clipper needed help from the all-time hit king to bathe.
The "Late Night" host picked apart Michael Cohen's congressional testimony and Trump's summit with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.
Kim wanted sanctions to be “lifted in their entirety and we wouldn’t do that,” the president said.