Voter Suppression

2021 is on pace to be the worst year for U.S. voter suppression laws since 2011, and activists are worried that Democrats aren't responding aggressively enough.
GOP voter restriction laws are the “kind of dangerous behavior that we’re going to have to push back on," said the former president.
The rebellion gave Democrats and voting rights allies nationwide a morale-raising moment after months of racking up losses in GOP-controlled statehouses.
The bill would crack down on absentee voting, drive-through voting and more — and Texas Republicans could still pass it.
The Senate will vote on S.1, the For the People Act, in June, Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer said.
The Trump-bashing lawmaker showed her allegiance to the Republican Party in an interview.
The new law, which could remove tens of thousands of people from the state’s Permanent Early Voting List, is the latest Republican effort to restrict the vote.
GOP lawmakers ultimately decided not to advertise the segregationist nature of the voting measure.
“It’s old Jim Crow dressed up in what our colleagues are calling election integrity,” one Democratic opponent of the bill said.
Like other anti-voting bills being introduced across the country by the GOP, Ohio's HB 294 would place severe restrictions on ballot drop boxes and absentee voting.