
Obama created an elite interrogation group. No one knows if it's working.
"We live in a world where people who are living in disadvantaged environments face challenges and situations that seem to never turn out as they do for people in more privileged and un-challenged neighborhoods."
"There is this profound dissonance between what the administration is saying about its desire to close Guantanamo and what is it actually doing."
His goal is to influence the next president, not the current one.
Friday morning’s explosion was one of the largest ever in Kabul.
Sen. Tim Kaine argues lawmakers owe it to service members to carry out their most important role.
Nearly 5,000 civilian deaths and injuries were recorded in the first half of 2015.
The one-eyed leader had not been seen in public since fleeing the invasion over the border into Pakistan.
Most of the dead were wedding guests aged from 14 to 60 years old.