The Ice Cream For Pedophiles (Update)

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Originally, this blog was titled "Ice Cream for Pedophiles -- or Sometimes You Just Don't Need photoshop." However, although I'm a professional prankster, I was fooled. It was a successful hoax because, in the context of a culture seemingly based on the commercial exploitation of titillation, it balanced temporarily on the cusp of possible and probable--until I read the box of text beneath the "Lickable" headline:

"Luscious, smooth, sweet and fun. These are just a few of the words we used to describe our new Vanilla Orange Sherbert Creamsicle. These words also apply equally to America's 2005 Olympic Rhythmic Gymnastics Team and the beautiful young ladies that comprise it. In response, Breyers has created a flavor inspired by the sassy metallic orange leotards of our young feminine gymnasts who are eagerly busting their fresh asses to make every American proud. And of course, our RSG themed Creamsicle is as fun to eat as the girls are a pleasure to watch! So come join in on the action. All proceeds to sales from the Vanilla Orange Sherbert Swirls line go to help sponsor our young ladies in competition against other rhythmic gymnasts from around the world."

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