New Year's Resolutions of America's Top Entrepreneurs

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My favorite place in New York City is General Assembly. Since I first started visiting a couple of years ago, they've evolved into a network of campuses for technology, business and design in nine locations around the world. General Assembly does amazing things for entrepreneurs. Tonight for instance my friend Clarke Hung, a junior at Wharton Business School, will have the opportunity to get product feedback for his start-up EssaySafe from Dario Buzzini, the design director of IDEO. Tomorrow, I'll be attending an event showcasing the work of students who went from non-coders to junior developers after taking a 10-week GA course.

As I help build an entrepreneurship program for a PK-12 school in Philadelphia, I find GA courses to be an invaluable resources as we teach students everything from authentic storytelling to the fundamentals of building a mobile app. Most importantly, GA has created a culture and community of innovation in a way that didn't exist before in NYC. As it's never been cheaper to start a business in the United States, I guess it's no surprise that most of my friends are entrepreneurs. This month my news feed on Facebook has been filled with my friends who have filled out the GA New Year's Resolution Form. In six months time, you'll be sent an email reminder of your goals that might lead some to celebrate their progress and motivate others to get back on track.

Below is a list of some of our country's top entrepreneurs and their resolutions for 2013:

Alexis Ohanian, co-founder of Reddit/ Hipmunk:


Carter Cleveland, founder of, curator of The NYC Startup Digest and co-creator of the Faster Filter:


Dave Gilboa, co-founder Warby Parker


Eric Demby, co-founder of Brookyn Flea


Jake Schwartz, co-founder of General Assembly


Martin Ringlein, ceo/co-founder of nclud, now Twitter's design manager


Neil Blumenthal, co-founder of Warby Parker


Paul Ford, writer/editor/programmer extraordinaire and founder of


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