HuffPost Thursday: Meetup To Discuss Prop 8, Google, Unemployment Legislation

Last week, hundreds of HuffPost readers met up to discuss the news in various different locations around the world. This week, we hope that even more of you will meetup with each other, discuss current events and share your reactions with us.
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Last week, hundreds of HuffPost readers met up to discuss the news in various different locations around the world. This week, we hope that even more of you will meetup with each other, discuss current events and share your reactions with us.

In order to guide the conversation, our editors compiled a list of possible news events that might be interesting to talk about:

Proposition 8: In California yesterday, Judge Vaughn Walker ruled that Proposition 8, "violated the Constitution's equal protection and due process rights clauses." The case is expected to go to the Supreme Court.

Google: In tech news, The New York Times reported that Google and Verizon struck a deal where "could allow Verizon to speed some online content to Internet users more quickly if the content's creators are willing to pay for the privilege." Does this end the internet as we know it?

Unemployment Legislation: Chuck Schumer (D-NY) announced his plan to extend unemployment past 99 weeks.

Education: President Barack Obama took on the teachers unions this week, insisting on performance standards for pedagogues. President Obama also turned 49 -- Happy Birthday Barack!

Newsweek: The Washington Post Co. sold Newsweek Magazine to stereo magnate Sidney Harman, reportedly for 1 dollar.

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