Sarah Palin's Trip to Canada

Socialist. Death panels. Downright evil. Those are just some of the talking points Sarah Palin uses to describe the Democrat's health care plan. Well, I wonder if she was quite so outspoken when she was in Canada receiving medical attention?
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Socialist. Death panels. Downright evil. Those are just some of the talking points Sarah Palin uses to describe the Democrat's health care plan. Well, I wonder if she was quite so outspoken when she was in Canada receiving medical attention?

She said that her family used to go to Canada to get medical care when she was growing up. And she admitted that she found that "kind of ironic now." Well, it's more than ironic, it's downright hypocritical.

It's time we stop letting Republican propaganda define our health care policy.

I'm tired of seeing this debate framed by Republicans like Palin, who are more interested in protecting the health insurance companies than they are in bringing better health care coverage to millions of Americans.

It's time to fight back.

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