Cheney's Got a Gun

Cheney's hunting trip mishap put me in mind of the last time Dick and his trusty shotgun made news...
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Reading about Vice President Cheney's hunting trip mishap put me in mind of the last time Dick and his trusty shotgun made news. It was January 2003, and the Veep flew Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia down to Louisiana so they could duck hunt together -- a trip that took place just three weeks after Cheney had asked the High Court to let him keep the inner workings of his energy task force a secret (the Supremes eventually did just that, kicking the case back to a lower court which ruled Cheney didn't have to come clean).

Cheney didn't shoot anyone in the face on that trip. But he and Scalia did blast a hole in the concept of the public's right to know while proving they don't give a flying duck about the rest of us. Here's a short animation me and two friends, Julie Bergman Sender and Tate Hausman, put together to show what we think might have gone down in that bayou duck blind. Click the Play button below to check it out.

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