Wake Up America And Meditate The Vote

Do you wish for fewer guns to be accessible to all? More justice when it comes to the lost lives of young African American males? Do you want to see people of all life choices to feel accepted and safe?
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Do you wish for fewer guns to be accessible to all? More justice when it comes to the lost lives of young African American males? Do you want to see people of all life choices to feel accepted and safe?

Whatever are those deep inner thoughts, I am aware more than ever why Meditate The Vote is so timely and invites us all to a call for action.

We can sit in outrage in front of our televisions and telephones. Or call our neighbors and ask if they heard the latest news. We can worry endlessly about our future and our children's futures. Or, we could do something to create the change we wish to see in ourselves and watch it manifest in our world.

If members of Congress have the courage and determination to push back against a system of least resistance and not break until some clear steps of progress have been acknowledged, how do we as citizens of this nation not make our voices heard? This is why it is the prefect time to Meditate The Vote. Launched in May, through conversations in community spaces, and special events such as tea with a Princess from Saudi Arabia, I am seeing in its unfolding how important it is to strengthen our consciousness from within.

It is time to think deeply, not only about our complaints of a broken world, but of our own state of limitation. To explore solutions for a better self that can influence our Nation and the world. I believe we are being called to become responsible for how we treat our mind, relationships, body, and finance. It is not up to a leader who can do that; it is up to each and every one of us.

Today, Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron resigned! Just a few days ago members of congress in the United States waged a sit-in, to hold themselves to greater accountability. Our world is shifting. Are you?

Today, we launched a new version of the National Anthem for Meditate The Vote. As you listen to it, do you hear your own opportunity calling you, despite the angst and fear that typically holds you back? This is not the time to wait for anyone. We are the ones we might be waiting for!

Consciousness is being revealed in a variety of ways. Whether it is through a superseded energy of dark thoughts, or a powerful readiness to make a change, we have to Vote. We must choose which side we wish to feed the most. That which you feed will travel with you in all that you do, so let's truly begin to Meditate the Vote, remembering that our own actions create our happiness or sorrow.

It is not for someone else to do this for me. It is in my hands to make my changes and know that does change the way the world revolves around me. So, make your choice and keep listen to your inner voice. Be invested in the story you have always wanted for yourself.


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