Texas City Councilman Tells Gay Teens "It Gets Better" in Emotional Speech

In a powerful and inspiring speech, Councilman Joel Burns described a time when the bullying was so bad that he considered taking his own life.
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Yesterday Forth Worth, TX City Councilman Joel Burns spoke out about the rash of recently reported suicides among gay teenagers as the result of bullying.

Burns spoke about his own experiences as a gay teenager and broke down describing a time when the bullying was so bad that he considered taking his own life. He goes on to describe the happiness he later found and encourages young people who may be struggling not to lose hope, saying: "Give yourself a chance to see just how much better life will get. And it will get better."

It's a powerful and inspiring speech and well worth watching to the end.

For more check out the "It Gets Better Project" started by columnist Dan Savage, which features hundreds of video messages to gay youth and victims of bullying.


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