There Is No One as Impressive as They Seem

It makes me sad when people idolize others, because it means they've set that person apart from themselves as more special or deserving.
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I'm super hard to impress, don't get star struck, and am not a fan girl. The reason is, I know a simple secret most other people don't realize: no one's as impressive as they seem.

That's not to say people don't do amazing and incredible things, or that they themselves aren't amazing individuals. Of course they are! It's that we're all humans, doing our own thing, excelling where we personally excel. Which also means we're all amazing people capable of doing amazing things.

Movie stars are just people who do their job on the big screen.
Sports icons are just people who play a sport really well.
Oprah is just a woman with a clear vision and powerful presence.
That successful entrepreneur is just a person who's been working really hard.

They're not "special." They don't have some skill unique to only them that allowed them to build amazing lives, businesses, or careers. They're not better, more knowledgeable, or more capable... they just did the work they needed to do to get to where they are today. They followed their passion or calling, learned and grew, failed and succeeded, and eventually arrived at where we see them today.

One thing I work incredibly hard to do with my clients and members is to remind them that I'm human too. Not just that, I'm a human who's made epic mistakes in life, love, and business. I'm also a human who started at the bottom of everything. I started with rock bottom depression, no clue who I was, no idea what I wanted to do in life, unstable, stressed out, deflated, and confused.

Yet here I am today having to explain to my clients and audience that I'm not a guru. There's nothing special about me that makes me any more deserving of what I've built than anyone else. The difference is that I started, kept moving, and eventually found myself in this place. I will also keep moving from here and find myself in an even better space in a month, year, and decade.

It makes me sad when people idolize others, because it means they've set that person apart from themselves as more special or deserving.


Here's a truth you need to know: you're amazing, and you can have everything you desire and more.

You can be a famous movie star or sought after sports icon.
You can be a world loved television personality.
You can be a successful entrepreneur, renowned for your work.
You can be adored, loved, and accepted for who you really are.
You can find the most amazing, soul stirring love possible.
You can be debt free, travel the world, and financially secure.
You can become a painter or poet, and make money expressing yourself.
You can be happy, so deeply, truly, happy from your core.

The first step is to stop idolizing others.

Remember that those people are no different than you when it comes to possibility and dreams. We're all different and unique, with different skill sets and natural gifts, but that doesn't mean anything more than that. We're unique, but we're all the same because we're all humans capable of creating anything we desire in our lives. Even when we're starting at the bottom. Even when what we want seems so very far away from where we are now. Even if we aren't "the person we need to be" in order to create it yet.

The second step is to do the work.

The work looks different to each of us, because we're all on our own journey, but we have to do the work. If I hadn't done the work to rediscover myself, uncover my passions, and start working to create alignment in my life, I wouldn't be where I am today. I would still be depressed, overweight, very unhappily married to someone that wasn't right for me, stressed out, numb, and totally uninspired. I wouldn't be connecting with the most amazing souls in the world, writing thousands of words a year, creating my life's work in the form of products and programs, and living a life I truly love.

As I've said before, this work isn't easy, but it's worth it.

It's worth it because not doing the work is a waste. You are amazing my friend. Truly, unbelievably amazing. Maybe you don't see it right now, because life is hard and overwhelming, but you are. You're capable of so much in this life. Love, joy, passion-based work, connection, expression, contribution, and impact. You're capable of so much because you have so much to give to this world, simply by showing up in the ways that feel right to you.

It's not about becoming a movie star or high paid personality, unless that's what you desire. Everyone's contribution is truly needed, whether it's raising a family, painting, writing, starting a nonprofit, running a business, traveling, connecting, sewing, or cooking. We need you to show up more fully and completely, from a place of passion, joy, and inspiration. We need it desperately right now.

So, I invite you to do the work with me.

To step more fully into your truth and purpose.
To create alignment in your life and work.
To experience more joy, fulfillment and passion.
To contribute what only you have to give.

To be you. The amazing, unique, undeniable, impressive you. Join the people you admire by showing up more fully in this life. There's no better time than right now.

If you're ready, I invite you to join me in this round of Foundations for Unshakable Joy. This program is the exact process that took me from a stressed and depressed mess to living a life built around my passions and purpose.

In just eight weeks you'll rediscover yourself, learn to trust your intuition deeply, uncover your passions and purpose, and begin building a life (and business if you want!) you love around them. Foundations for Unshakable Joy produces phenomenal results for those who work through the materials, and I'll be there every step of the way to support you. Even if you don't know what you want, don't worry, this program will help you gain the clarity you need, create a deeper connection with yourself and your truth, and get you moving in the right direction in no time at all!

You can wait another year or two or three... or you can begin creating exactly what you desire in just eight weeks. Join me?

Stephenie Zamora is the founder of, a full-service, life-purpose development, design and branding boutique and author of Awesome Life Tips book. Through her Mastery program, she merges the worlds of personal development and branding to help men and women build passion-based lives and businesses they love. Click here to access her free Foundations for Unshakable Joy™ video training series and learn the unexpected trick to transforming your life with one single question!

Connect with Stephenie on Facebook and Twitter!

For more by Stephenie Zamora, click here.

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