When the Vows Break: Kelsey Grammer, Poster Boy for a Pre-Nup

Kelsey Grammer is getting divorced from his ex-bunny wife, Camille, and all celebrity-gossip bloggers can talk about is that that TV'sdidn't have a pre-nuptial agreement.
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Kelsey Grammer is getting divorced from his ex-Playboy bunny wife, Camille, and all celebrity-gossip bloggers can talk about is that that TV's Frasier didn't have a pre-nuptial agreement that might save him a lot of dough on the break-up of his third marriage.

The tabloids say Camille Grammer stands to get as much $31 million in the split -- much of it income from Grammer's days as the country's highest paid TV star.

What nobody knows is whether the multiple Emmy winning actor cares that his soon-to-be ex-wife wife will get a big chunk of his net worth.

After all, they were married for 11 years and have two children together.

Plus, he's already moved on in the romance department. His girlfriend, 29-year-old flight attendant Kayte Walsh, is reportedly pregnant.

For all we know, a multi-million dollar divorce payout might be fine with him. Besides, pre-nuptial agreements aren't for everybody.

But there are a lot of reasons why Kelsey Grammer was a strong candidate for having one. He's wealthy guy who had already been twice divorced, has kids from past relationships and owns his own business -- a top reason for having a pre-nup.

For business owners, the agreement protects your business partners in the event your marriage fails. Generally, a pre-nup establishes a specific amount of cash your ex would be entitled to if the relationship ends.

Trust me, the last thing you want is to have a divorce attorney going through your company records to put a value on your business to determine your former spouse's take. As Kelsey Grammer is finding out, that can get expensive.

There's so much to say about pre-nuptial agreements. They are an ongoing topic in celebrity marriages gone wrong, and I'm sure I'll write more about them in the future.

But it's worth mentioning to the successful -- yet non-celebrity -- folks who might be on the verge of marriage that talking about a pre-nup with a lawyer is a good idea no matter how much you are in love.

Some people fear a "pre-nup talk" alone could lead to losing the one they love. But rest assured it is possible to have a successful romance and a pre-nuptial agreement if you do it the right way.

Be upfront with your partner. Let them know a pre-nuptial agreement is important to you and start talking about it six to eight months before the marriage. Because in most states, a pre-nuptial agreement isn't voidable just because it's not fair. So even if your future spouse doesn't want their own lawyer, encourage them to get one. It's for the best.

Understand that pre-nup is a process. Some people think I have cookie-cutter pre-nuptial agreement forms in my top desk drawer and all they have to do is sign the papers and they're protected. That is not the case.

Each agreement is tailored to individual situations. The idea is to guarantee a simple divorce. You might not think divorce will ever be an option for you. But if you do break up, a pre-nup keeps things from getting ugly over money.

And it will save you a bundle in legal fees.

Think of it this way: You can either pay an attorney a little now for drafting a pre-nuptial agreement or you pay a lot more later when your love of your life hires a divorce lawyer first.

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