Gingrich Demands Cowell Step Down After Adam Lambert Loss

Gingrich Demands Cowell Step Down After Adam Lambert Loss
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Calling American Idol judge Simon Cowell a "trivial judge, viciously using partisanship for the narrowest of purposes," Newt Gingrich said that the selection of Kris Allen over Adam Lambert in last night's American Idol final was reason enough to believe that Cowell "...could no longer be trusted to determine talent."

"Cowell engaged in a despicable, dishonest and vicious political effort to withhold what he knew about the American Idol's harsh selection techniques," said the former House Speaker.

Gingrich said Cowell "lied to the American public" when he all but named Lambert the winner earlier in the competition.

"The American people are devastated by this betrayal of READ THE REST OF THE SHOCKING GINGRICH DEMANDS HERE.

Award-winning TV writer, Steve Young, is author of "Great Failures of the Extremely Successful" and blogs at the appropriately-named

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