Make The World A Better Place: The Davos Question

I am acutely aware of the poverty, human rights violations and violence that fills our world and I look for ways I might make a difference.
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What one thing do you think that countries, companies or individuals must do to make the world a better place in 2008? Think about it. This is the question posed by the organizers of this year's World Economic Form in Davos Switzerland. We, the public, are invited to respond in video to the above question. Select video responses submitted to the Davos Question will be screened in public sessions at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting later this month. At the time of this writing, the Davos Question on YouTube has had over 800,000 views - that's a significant audience in our open, transparent, "collaborative" new world.

The World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting brings together leaders from all disciplines to address and shape priorities on the global agenda. The meeting of the minds includes leaders from business, government, the media, science, the arts and philanthropy. This year's theme is "The Power of Collaborative Innovation." The World Economic Forum believes that economic progress without social development is not sustainable, while social development without economic progress is not feasible. The Swiss non-profit's motto is "entrepreneurship in the global public interest." So while the movers and shakers of the world convene to discuss a global platform for collaboration and action to address priorities on the global agenda, we are being offered a chance to add our voice to the mix. This open forum is a unique opportunity to improve the world by engaging leaders in a dialogue on world peace, climate change, the economy and much more.

Whether it's global warming or fostering democracy, the arts and education, I'm intrigued by this opportunity to help shape our leaders' priorities. I am acutely aware of the poverty, human rights violations and violence that fills our world and I look for ways I might make a difference. To begin, one thing I'm trying is to smile more. I have a lot to smile about. Extending a little kindness could go a long way toward collaboration. This is my take on what I need to do to begin to change the world for the better - what's yours?

Everything about the Annual Meeting 2008:

Program of the Annual Meeting:

Summaries of key sessions:

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