Dear America, I'm Done

It's too late to save us. It's not about so-called values. Our country will not implode because of gay marriage or abortions; it will die because we'll lose our voice.
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Dear America,

I tried. I recycled cans, cut the little plastic can holders, brought my own stupid bags to stores. I try to reuse things and repurpose whenever possible. I even cloth diapered for a while. Do you think that was fun? Scrubbing baby feces off of a piece of cloth? I didn't do that for me. I didn't want any part of that. I was trying to do my part to take care of our planet, so that my kids, and my someday, future grandkids would have a decent place to live. And none of it matters. None of it matters because you're just bound and determined to let this place go to hell. We'll implode before any of that stuff would even remotely come close to paying off. We're about to do ourselves in.

Our population is a virus on a host. We think we're special but we are no different from any other virus. We're spreading, we're dirty, and we'll eventually kill our planet. It's inevitable. We're making our Earth sicker just by existing. We could mitigate our damage to prolong our existence but that would require work. I've tried encouraging people to be mindful, I've tried being the cheerleader. I've tried engaging people civilly in debate to change hearts but when they counter science-based fact with some Alex Jones conspiracy, it's really freaking hard not to want to hit them over the head. And we've pandered to beliefs so much as a society that now people think that they can never be wrong. The bottom line is that we're all lazy and it's easier to run with what serves our individual purpose. "You can't help someone that won't help themselves."

We have a world of knowledge at our fingertips. We could spend all day reading and learning, but instead people are too lazy to click on a link. We use the internet to send pictures of our genitals.

How many hours do you think Americans spend looking at a screen on any given day? It takes a video game to get us outside. But hey, at least people were getting outside, and I mean that sincerely. It was a step in the right direction. Now McDonald's restaurants are all Pokemon hangouts. They made it easy for you to get a burger to shove in your fat face just so we can be certain that there is no benefit to any of the physical activity.

We've let our politicians sell us to the highest bidder. Insurance companies outrank physicians for dictating our care and we just go along with it. That's not even the most messed up part to all of it. It's that when people point out how severely insane it is that it's about profit and not quality of life, those politicians have done such a good job spinning it, that those people who question it are then asking for "free handouts," and are "government moochers," rather than, you know, just hoping for their medical decisions to be MADE BY THEIR DOCTOR and for their tax dollars to be better allocated to serve the public where it counts.

We're even letting them randomly drug test our poor if they want to get food, and people support this. You can't work a menial job without being tested and you can't get food stamps. Could you imagine random drug testing for the 1 percent, or Congressional leaders? The people with jobs that matter? The people making policy decisions and stock trades that affect our entire economy and all of our lives? It doesn't make a difference to me if Shelly smokes a joint before operating the checkout at the gas station, but I do care if someone is going to be voting on laws after a few lines of coke. Those people in power would never consent to being tested. Ever. But they convince us, that it's what's best for us. If it were about public safety, or ensuring that we weren't misusing tax payer resources, we'd be okay with everyone and anyone being drug tested at any time. It's about profit. It's about making an easy buck at the expense of poor people because they don't have the power to do anything about it. They don't even have the power to buy food.

We need stuff. Lots and lots of stuff. 30,000 dollar handbags exist and not only do they exist, but it's not like a one-time, you purchase one and that is the sole bag you use in your lifetime, women have closets filled to the brim with this crap. They have people convinced that they need multiple expensive handbags for different reasons and seasons, and in different colors, and animals die, people die making stuff, and we know this but we're so comfortable, and the bags have like really deep pockets and stuff and a little secret compartment. Look at the Rana Plaza collapse. More than 1,000 people died that day for your right to buy.

It's too late to save us. It's not about so-called values. Our country will not implode because of gay marriage or abortions; it will die because we'll lose our voice. We handed a loaded gun to Capitalism, and watched with shock and horror as it pointed it right in the temple of Democracy. Everybody wants more and nobody wants to rock the boat, nobody wants to change anything because change is scary. They've got us so afraid of everything.

We're afraid of black people, we're afraid of police, we're afraid of Muslims, we're afraid of cancer, of dry-drowning, Mosquitos, GMOs, vaccines. And we're trusting people like Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump when they are the biggest thing we have to fear. We're trusting Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

Donald Trump says he's going to Make America Great Again, bringing us back to a simpler time when women weren't allowed to vote. Hillary, on the other hand, has decided that only women should be able to vote. Actually, just two women. Namely, she and Debbie Wasserman Schultz. These assholes virtually eliminated the last greatest thing we had going for us, the theory of democratic rule and self government. So here we are, I'm at my breaking point.

I can't care anymore. It's not me, it's you.

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