
“I used to joke and say that my anger at the president is that he took my show and brought it to the White House,” the former talk show host said on MSNBC.
The Democrat from Missouri is fed up with the lack of civility on both sides.
Having a drink with White House officials won't keep civilization from breaking down. It's a little late for that.
The congressman-elect said the country has "a lot of work to do" when it comes to political discourse. He recently appeared on "SNL" to receive an apology.
The NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll, however, shows parties differ in opinion on who is to blame.
"There is power to be reclaimed, to be taken ruthlessly and squeezed for all it’s worth."
"Go back to your country” was what this woman screamed as she assaulted an elderly Mexican man.
It's about being opposed to "ripping kids away from their parents," tweets Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.).
“The Daily Show” host takes on the civility argument.