international relations

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright discussed the world and the current state of affairs on 'Face The Nation' Sunday, saying "the world is a mess."
The president proved he's serious about addressing Trump-era damage by working closely with allies in withdrawing from Afghanistan, Italy's outgoing ambassador to the U.S. said.
“It is time to end our endless wars and adopt a new approach to international relations,” the groups write.
Watch as the late night comics mercilessly mock the president’s description of his decision to call off an attack on Iran.
The late night hosts roasted President Donald Trump’s “cocked and loaded” description of his decision to call off an attack on Iran.
National Security adviser John Bolton confirmed the U.S. signed a deal to give North Korea $2 million for the release of imprisoned U.S. student Otto Warmbier, but noted that the U.S. broke the deal and no money was paid.
At their historic meeting, President Trump gave Kim Jong Un a major propaganda win and secured very little in return.
Mexico announced it would be imposing its own tariffs, with support from Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
As President Trump scraps his planned meeting with Kim Jong Un, here’s proof North Korea has been on his mind for a very, very long time.
The three American citizens imprisoned in North Korea were greeted by President Donald Trump as they arrived back in the U.S.