Personal Health

Reviewers are “gobsmacked” and “delighted” at its effectiveness.
Keep an eye out for classic signs of anxiety too, such as tightness in your chest and rapid breathing.
For the most part, your body is designed to maintain its own pH balance naturally, and what you eat or drink doesn’t change that.
The findings, published in the journal Preventive Medicine Reports, suggest that fragrance sensitivity is not only a common issue, but can be quite severe.
You know about the stubborn weight gain and the sometimes-painful sex (thanks so much, dryness down there), but here are some other unexpected changes you can expect in your 40s.
Of all the measurements associated with your health, resting heart rate doesn't get much attention. But research suggests that it should.
These go way beyond teenage tanning coming back to haunt your skin.
"There is no such thing as perfect surgery."