Featured Fifty Fine Arts: Wilderness Guide

Wilderness Guide
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Tom Anderson is an artist living in Minnesota.

My work can be described as, "Figurative art with a taste for the outdoors."

Art is a part of my life that cannot be suppressed. It occupies my mind most everyday. My thoughts and personal experiences blend together, generating different levels of enthusiasm. As a result, my work is exciting for me.

Concepts come from observing life. Subject matter comes from what I am familiar with in my life. Often an idea develops from daydreaming. Therefore, there are a variety of sources in which I tap.

I like to idealize life in my work and deliver a measure of nostalgia. Telling a story is uppermost on my mind. I want my art to amuse and touch the viewer's emotions.

The medium I use is colored pencil mixed with graphite pencil. I like the control that the medium gives me. With this I use a vignette style because I like to focus on what is most important in the scene and in turn, the images have more impact. I hope those that view my work enjoy the art as much as I did creating it.


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