14th amendment

The former president and 2024 GOP front-runner promised to sign an executive order to nullify a clause. But the process required is actually much more complicated.
The lawsuit claims the Tennessee law is based on “generalized fears, negative attitudes, stereotypes, and moral disapproval of transgender people,” rather than the well-being of the state’s adolescents and children.
The 14th Amendment bars reelection of officials who have given aid and comfort to enemies of the government after taking an oath to defend it.
“There are no longer any innocent explanations” for what Trump did, constitutional law scholar Alan B. Morrison said.
Residents of Puerto Rico and other U.S. territories have been denied equal rights, including the right to vote, because they were considered “uncivilized race[s].”
The actor said on “Pod Save America" that he's "optimistic" and "hopeful" about the future of the country.
President Donald Trump is looking to change the U.S. constitution and do away with birthright citizenship.
Laurence Tribe calls out the president for trying to "reverse the outcome of the Civil War" and rewrite the 14th Amendment.
A "men's rights" group argues the Military Selective Service Act violates the equal-protection clause in the Constitution.
“Our Constitution is a bipartisan document, designed to endure for ages,” George Conway and Neal Katyal wrote in an op-ed.