john lewis

Football players in the once-reluctant league protested against racism and police brutality by kneeling, raising fists or staying off the field for the national anthems.
Our editors have picked some of your most thought-provoking comments from last week’s top stories.
The president raised eyebrows with his comments on John Lewis, coronavirus, Ghislaine Maxwell and more.
The president declined to say if he found the late civil rights icon impressive.
A wax Queen Elizabeth, the erupting Pacaya volcano and a surfing dinosaur round out this week's best images.
Former President Barack Obama gave a starkly political eulogy for John Lewis, in which he criticized the Trump administration and called for voting rights reform.
"Though I am gone, I urge you to answer the highest calling of your heart and stand up for what you truly believe."
Trump had nothing on his schedule until mid-afternoon Thursday – as Barack Obama was about to take the stage at the civil rights leader’s memorial service.
“I’ve come here today because I, like so many Americans, owe a great debt to John Lewis and his forceful vision of freedom," the former president said.
The attorney general faced sharp questions and criticism from Democratic lawmakers at a House Judiciary Committee hearing.