
Hunching over a laptop, tablet or smartphone can lead to ongoing neck pain. Here's how the pros recommend catching some relief.
The all-amateur crew was the first to circle the world without a professional astronaut.
Feel like everyone you know has a minor (or major!) cell phone addiction? Here's how to get them to put down their smartphone and stay focused in the moment.
If you're going to scroll before bed, here's how to make it as healthy as possible so it doesn't disrupt your rest.
Bezos will become executive chair of the company later this year.
“Nobody would have predicted that I and Dr. Fauci would be so prominent in these really evil theories,” the Microsoft co-founder told Reuters.
President Biden will sign an executive order aimed at closing loopholes in existing provisions and creating a senior White House role to oversee the process.
Human rights advocates praised the Biden administration for taking "immediate steps" on behalf of LGBTQ inclusion.
Riley June Williams breached the Capitol building on Jan. 6 and allegedly directed people to Pelosi's office.