Thuy Pham, a hairstylist turned chef, shares how she morphed a great idea into a successful business during the pandemic.
Nearly 20% of AAPI people say they’ve experienced a racist incident in the past year, according to a new survey from the coalition Stop AAPI Hate.
The chef and owner of New York’s Fat Choy sees food as a way to unite cultures, not divide them.
The House passed legislation that aims to address the nationwide uptick in violence toward Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.
The high-level appointment comes after Sens. Duckworth and Hirono criticized the lack of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in senior administration roles.
AAPI voters likely set a new record in 2020, but campaigns still must make sure they're not treated like an afterthought, advocates say.
"Many Americans remain unaware of the important impact that AAPIs have had on our country,” the New York congresswoman told HuffPost.
One in five Asian-Americans live in hard-to-count census areas due to high rates of poverty, unemployment and educational attainment, among other factors.
Limited English proficiency could be one reason why, the study suggests.
Margaret Cho and Awkwafina brew up some truth in 'Green Tea.'