Adam Schiff

Using the Justice Department to gather private information about members of Congress carried echoes of Nixon during Watergate.
According to reports, ex-President Donald Trump’s Justice Department seized information on two key House Democrats.
“I view Bill Barr as the second most-dangerous person in the country after Donald Trump and this is just further proof of that,” said the House Intelligence Committee chair.
Prosecutors sought records on a dozen people connected to two lawmakers, including Rep. Adam Schiff, to hunt those who leaked classified information.
The White House is reviewing whether to provide former President Donald Trump access to the intelligence briefings he would traditionally be given.
The Fox News personality took exception to Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff’s call to prioritize law enforcement efforts against domestic white nationalist terrorism.
The Democratic congressman from California offers up a reality check.
Ted Cruz, Nancy Pelosi, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker and more took part in the "Political Edition" of Jimmy Kimmel's "Mean Tweets."
After President Donald Trump refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power if he lost the 2020 election, Rep. Adam Schiff issued a dire warning to those working for Trump.
The House Intelligence Committee chair warns Trump loyalists they will "share the responsibility" for what's to come.