
"I still was in love with Bill at the time so I felt really responsible," Lewinsky told A&E.
"If you’re able to recover, no matter what side you’re on, it will take much longer than a simple physical affair," a 46-year-old man said.
Stephen Colbert offered Bill Clinton a “do over” for his “tone-deaf” remarks to NBC about Monica Lewinsky.
Bill Clinton says his public apology is enough when it comes to Monica Lewinsky.
Town & Country Magazine uninvited Monica Lewinsky from an event because of Bill Clinton’s attendance.
"It was like the least surprising thing that she could’ve said," the actor said.
The attempt to silence the porn actress, as well as ex-Playboy model Karen McDougal, raises some unsexy but vital democratic issues.
Former Playboy Playmate Karen McDougal spilled the details of her affair with Trump to Anderson Cooper on CNN.
Karen McDougal says a tabloid publisher, Trump's team and her own lawyer conspired to keep her quiet.
Stormy Daniels took a polygraph that asked, “Did you have unprotected sex with Donald Trump?” Now, the results of that lie detector test have been released.