Air Disasters

Trump approved his first covert counterterrorism operation without sufficient intelligence, ground support or adequate backup preparations, officials said.
It was the first combat casualty of the Trump administration and its first operation in the war-damaged Arabian Peninsula nation against a powerful al Qaeda branch that has been a frequent target of U.S. drone strikes.
The plane vanished in 2014 with 239 people on board.
Most of the victims were residents of a village struck by the Boeing 747 as it tried to land in dense fog
But bird strikes are still on the rise.
They include targeting of hospitals in airstrikes.
The veteran told the FBI his mind was being controlled by the government. He was never on a no-fly list.
The gunman remains at large.
The plane was en route to Ohio State University.
The Serbian flight attendant holds the Guinness record for highest fall survived without a parachute.