american Jews

The president mentioned the founder of Ford Motor Co., who frequently used his platform to spread anti-Semitic messages across the country and the world.
His claim that Democrat-leaning Jewish Americans are 'disloyal' is outright anti-Semitic, the ADL says.
Michael Steele warned that the president’s claim that Jewish Americans who vote for Democrats are disloyal is “just the warmup.”
The Vermont senator and 2020 presidential candidate said, "I am a proud Jewish person and I have no concerns about voting Democratic."
“We chose our traditional day of mourning to be sad together. But we also wanted to share our anger," said the CEO of the National Council of Jewish Women.
Both groups have endured religious discrimination. Both have had houses of worship desecrated. And both are increasingly seeing the other as allies.
Rabbis aren't sure what it'll take to protect their congregants -- or whether guns should be part of the solution.
Author David Michael Slater talks about growing up across the street from Pittsburgh's Tree of Life synagogue.