Americans with Disabilities Act

Their push for inclusivity has transformed workplaces in America and today, people with and without disabilities benefit.
“You really don't realize how inaccessible the city is until you need it to be accessible for you.”
No other group in society needs to prove that its members deserve access to a public space.
America's Deaf community is 30 million strong. We need more of them leading, especially in the workplace.
Disability advocates were dragged from the Capitol Building after a bill to gut the ADA was passed in the House.
If it wasn’t for the Affordable Care Act, I wouldn’t be here today.
The Supreme Court will decide whether Ehlena Fry's family can sue for damages after her school didn't let the pup assist her.
Including his brand-new, “very special” hotel in Washington, D.C.
Georgia is unnecessarily segregating students with special needs, a lawsuit alleges.