Amy Coney Barrett

Republicans notoriously refused to meet with Merrick Garland as part of thwarting his 2016 Supreme Court nomination.
The president's announcement marks the start of a contentious Senate battle.
The reliably conservative judge is an ideological heir to the late Justice Antonin Scalia.
Trump is expected to name Amy Coney Barrett to the nation's highest court.
Trump’s pick has criticized the Affordable Care Act, and a new lawsuit threatens coverage for many millions
Judge Amy Coney Barrett, 48, would be the youngest Supreme Court justice on the bench.
Barrett, whom President Trump nominated for the Supreme Court, is a devout Catholic who has been open about her anti-abortion views.
The 48-year-old U.S. appeals court judge is a favorite of social conservatives to replace the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Judge Amy Coney Barrett has been linked to People of Praise, a charismatic Christian community that used to call its female leaders "handmaids."
Judge Amy Coney Barrett would replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who is best-known for fighting for women’s rights and equality.