
While Chinese New Year is always a special time, this particular cycle is the most special of all. Chinese New Year traditionally brings frenetic prayer and wishes for health, wealth, happiness and yet more wealth -- but 2012 has an added bonus.
The Sri Lankan American hedge fund billionaire is feeling aggrieved -- and not just because he's been found guilty of all 14 counts of insider trading. He is mad at his friends, or more specifically his Indian friends, for throwing him to the tigers.
Not all monks who attempted self-mummification were successful. When the tombs were finally opened, some bodies were found to have rotted. These monks were resealed in their tombs.
Ghanaian economist George Ayittey attended the Oslo Freedom Forum in May. There, he sat down with me to talk about defeating dictators.
A non-religious society may still be ethical without belief in God, but an a-dharmic society loses its ethical compass and falls into corruption and decadence.