asylum seekers

Immigration lawyers say separated parents are too grief-stricken to focus on their cases.
I often thought of “correcting” my sexual orientation and going back to Ecuador to all of the things I had left behind.
Who can stop the Trump administration from separating families at the border? Democrats and Republicans say it’s each other.
Marco Antonio Muñoz, who was reportedly seeking asylum with his wife and child, is believed to have died by suicide.
"It’s essentially putting people who need protection into limbo or detention forever."
The Justice Department is prosecuting more people who come to the United States looking for protection, according to a report released Thursday.
“Recent reporting from the camps indicates a new level of violence and suffering,” the actress and animal rights activist writes.
“Australia has in effect created and then abandoned a humanitarian crisis," a UN watchdog group said of the situation on Manus Island.
A nonprofit is helping refugees build careers in America as the Trump administration restricts resettlement.