
Samira Hakimi and her two children were freed. But her sister and newborn are still locked up at the Karnes detention center.
Trump said he would maintain the agreement to take in 1,250 asylum seekers.
She showed up at the border bearing a scar from a gunshot wound to the head. The Trump administration plans to deport her.
Police intercepted over 1,100 people at the U.S. border in under two months.
Many of the women locked up in family detention centers speak only indigenous languages.
Why are asylum seekers being held in detention for months or years while they wait for the resolution of their case?
The classes are designed to help immigrants learn about Norwegian attitudes towards sex and women's rights.
A nonpartisan report says caseworkers lack religious literacy and sometimes ask asylum seekers ridiculous questions.
Having a lawyer can make the difference between asylum and deportation.