background check

"There should be something on guns. There should be a better background check,” one man said.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has so far refused to take up two House bills that would expand background checks for gun purchases.
Two House bills aim to close the "gun show loophole." Experts say they'll have little effect on gun crime without a larger set of reforms.
The former Arizona congresswoman and shooting survivor demands that Mitch McConnell hold a vote on the gun legislation the House passed earlier this year.
The New Jersey senator and 2020 presidential candidate wants to take gun licensing national.
The most significant gun control bill to pass the House in more than two decades will now go to the Senate.
The Democratic-led bill would require federal background checks for nearly all firearm transactions, including private sales at gun shows or online.
The back-and-forth comes as the FBI investigates several claims of sexual misconduct against the Supreme Court nominee.