
The California Republican's legal team alleged Twitter “shadow-banned” Nunes in 2018 “in order to restrict his free speech” and sway the midterm elections.
Seattle, Washington has banned the use of single-use plastic straws and utensils.
The e-commerce giant bans shoppers for violations such as returning items too often, sometimes without telling them what they did wrong.
The Pentagon announced that it will begin accepting transgender people starting January 1, 2018, going against the Trump administration’s plans to ban them from serving.
Major technology companies filed a legal brief against President Trump's Immigration ban.
President Trump is preparing to fulfill his campaign promise to ban Muslims from entering the U.S.
Students are protesting by putting tape over their mouths.
“Revenge porn” websites will be banned in the state of New York, if the proposals of three legislators in the state are adopted.
The fact that 20 percent of global marriages take place between first cousins and most societies, including Europe and Canada, consider cousin marriages to be legal should give us a pause.