bob woodward

"Dana, have you been able to read the book? The evidence is overwhelming," the "Rage" author told Dana Perino.
"I don't know, to be honest, whether he's got it straight in his head what is real and what is unreal," the journalist told Anderson Cooper.
In an appearance on "The Late Show," Bob Woodward shared a new recording that revealed the president's private alarm over the virus.
"I get along very well with [Turkish President] Erdogan, even though you’re not supposed to," Trump said.
In a "60 Minutes" interview, the veteran journalist was asked why he went against his reputation of avoiding personal political judgments.
"These lies demoralized the scientific community and cost countless lives in the United States," wrote Herbert Holden Thorp, editor in chief of Science magazine.
President Donald Trump’s campaign staff kicked out a New York Times reporter after she noted on social media that many of his supporters were not wearing masks.
President Donald Trump is becoming increasingly agitated as reporters have begun to repeatedly question his penchant for lying to the American public.
President Donald Trump is becoming increasingly agitated as reporters have begun to repeatedly question his penchant for lying to the American public.
"Each time I convince myself that this president cannot be worse, I'm proven wrong. Seemingly, there is no bottom for this man... and now my dad is gone."