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In "Virgin and Other Stories," April Ayers Lawson explores sex in the religious South.
Margaret Atwood’s retelling of “The Tempest" leans into the elements of theatricality and deception within the play.
Marcy Dermansky’s “The Red Car” takes on rocky affairs and intergenerational friendships.
In a short story debut, Vanessa Hua draws the reader in with her power of perception.
"The Mothers" by Brit Bennett features a chorus of small-town gossipers, and three friends whose lives are changed from a single youthful decision.
Eimear McBride's "The Lesser Bohemians" has been billed as a love story, but it's so much more.
"Little Nothing" by Marisa Silver is a fantastical book about war-torn Eastern Europe, and the stories we tell ourselves when our lives are in pieces.
From the California gold rush to Vincent Chin's killing and beyond, "The Fortunes" lays bare a past laced with suffering.
Nathan Hill's book is the uber-timely media and political satire novel the 2016 election needed.
Meet Eve Babitz, a writer who wears her sexuality on her fur-coated sleeve.