
Stormy Daniels’ lawyer Michael Avenatti has released video seeming to show President Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen with a Qatari official who allegedly boasted about paying off U.S. politicians.
The court also fined Park $16.9 million for her role in the corruption scandal that ended her presidency.
The decision is a major blow to the plans of the former president to run again this year.
Luiz Inácio da Silva, the former Brazilian president seeking that office again, is appealing corruption charges his lawyer says are political persecution.
The New Jersey Senate Democrat is charged with public corruption.
A contractor named "Fat Leonard" provided wild times for classified information, the government says.
John Kapoor, 74, stepped down as chief executive of Insys Therapeutics in January.
An antitrust suit against the NCAA’s price-fixing amateur model would benefit players -- and rid college sports of the worst corruption that plagues them.
Prosecutors said that high school athletes were bribed into playing for certain schools.